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„Monumentu Pamięci” Lasu Rzuchowskiego

w 60. rocznicę odsłonięcia Pomnika Ofiar Faszyzmu. Poszukujemy wszelkich materiałów związanych z Pomnikiem!

Zapraszamy do wspólnego udziału w odkrywaniu

„Monumentu Pamięci” Lasu Rzuchowskiego

w 60. rocznicę odsłonięcia Pomnika Ofiar Faszyzmu. Poszukujemy wszelkich materiałów związanych z Pomnikiem!


Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chełmno on Ner

Branch of the Martyrdom Museum in Żabikowo

Cultural Institution of the local government of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

Office in the Museum in Chelmno
Chełmno 59A, 62-660 Dąbie
phone: +48 63 271 94 47 
Mobile +48 695 003 137
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Acting Branch Head of the Museum

Bartłomiej Grzanka


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Department of Research

Kamil Janicki
assistant curator
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Education Department

Małgorzata Grzanka
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Magdalena Babik
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Department of visitor services

Adam Dominiak
employee for the core activities

Marzena Marciniak
employee for the core activities


Technical Department

Florian Pajor

Janusz Gibaszek






Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chełmno on Ner

Branch of the Martyrdom Museum in Żabikowo

Cultural Institution of the local government of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

Office in the Museum in Chelmno
Chełmno 59A, 62-660 Dąbie
phone: +48 63 271 94 47 
Mobile +48 695 003 137

Visiting the Museum


Tuesday–Sunday: 9 am–3 pm
Monday: close


The last visitors are admitted an half hour before the closing time.

Las Rzuchowski

The area is open for visitors

© copyright Muzeum Martyrologicznego w Żabikowie